This week I turned 22! Thank you so much for all the amazing birthday wishes. I am so grateful for each and everyone of you that supports me whether you read my blog posts, shop my outfits, or like my instagram photos! Since I’ve lived a significant amount of years on this earth, I thought it would be fun to write out 22 things that I have learned.
- Always eat dessert!
- The people that are having the most fun, aren’t caring about what other people think.
- Sometimes you need to have a dance party alone in your room.
- Always try new foods! You never know what will be your new favorite meal.
- It’s ok to not know the answer to everything. Saying “I don’t know” is a powerful thing to say.
- There is nothing better than sleeping in, having a cup of coffee, and watching youtube videos.
- Life isn’t fair, I wish it was!
- Sometimes speaking calmly is louder than screaming.
- You’re always gonna wish your body looked better no matter how you look, so just enjoy your body now.
- Therapy is amazing!!
- BUT it takes time to find a good therapist.
- Never judge someone for how much or how little they have.
- There are two ways to deal with adversity: let it define you or grow from it.
- You have survived everything you have been through thus far. You can survive what you are going through now.
- No matter where you live or how long you live there, decorate your home in a way that makes you happy to be there.
- The people who try to hurt you and put you down are likely going through something. Give them patience, but know your worth.
- You can never have too many shoes!
- Your friends are there for you more than you think.
- Someone always has it worse than you, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to hurt.
- Always check your privilege! Even when you don’t think you have it!
- If you believe that you are 100% correct, then you are 0% willing to learn.
- Throughout all your years of life you have found new hobbies and passions. There are so many more waiting for you to discover!